The snake is moving all time. You can not stop it.
To move Snake you can use arrows or keys
- 'z' turns snake left
- 'x' turns snake right
Press Control+H to see full list of useful keystrokes
There are two different way how you can use arrows:
To turn | To go |
- Arrow left
turns snake left
- Arrow right
turns snake right
- Arrow left
moves snake left
- Arrow right
moves snake right
- Arrow up
moves snake up
- Arrow down
moves snake down
Click on button "Options" and tab Arrows to select how you want to play.
The standalone version will save your choice.
You can change how many meals can be on field. To do it click
on button "Options".
If you check the box "Only one meal on field" the game will
be identical to Nokia's phone Snake.
The standalone version will save your choice.