The notation is method of recording the moves of a game.
The application use notations what can be applied for current game.
For some games (as chess, shogi) the application supports only one notation.
For some games (as five-to-row games, go) the application supports two systems of notation. For these games
you can change notation:
- Select submenu "Settings"
- Click on topic "Notation"
Notation as h7
Each move of the game is recorded by simply recording its distance
from left-upper corner of the board using letter for columns
and numbers for row.
1 |
2 |
- a1 Left-upper corner
- h8 The center of the board with size 15*15
Notation as u1l1
The center intersection is used a reference point on the board.
Each move of the game is recorded by simply recording its distance
from center, using the directional symbols
R for right,
L for left,
D for Down and
U for Up.
For example L2D2 means left two and down two.
If a stone played on an axis line, meaning that one of its
coordinate is zero, then the zero coordinate is simply left off.
For example, R3 would be the point three points to the right
of center, but zero points up or down.
The move onto center is written as 0.
Special symbols
Both (h7 and u1l1) notations use:
- * to indicate move with capture
- # to indicate move with block
- @ to indicate move with atomic bomb
- - to indicate that a player forfeits the move
Checkers Notation
In checkers all cells are idenfified by one number
. | 1 | . | 2 | . | 3 | . | 4 |
5 | . | 6 | . | 7 | . | 8 | . |
. | 9 | . | 10 | . | 11 | . | 12 |
13 | . | 14 | . | 15 | . | 16 | . |
. | 17 | . | 18 | . | 19 | . | 20 |
21 | . | 22 | . | 23 | . | 24 | . |
. | 25 | . | 26 | . | 27 | . | 28 |
29 | . | 30 | . | 31 | . | 32 | . |