You can play Pente now
using my program
X & O.
The main rules of Pente :
- There are two ways to win the game:
- Win by getting five-(or more)-in-a-row,
either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, with no empty
points between the stones, or
- Win by capturing five (or more) pairs of
your opponents stones.
- Playing begins in the center of the board
- The tournament rule: the 3rd move Black must make outside the
zone of 5x5 intersections with the same center as the center of
the whole board, the 5x5 zone is a prohibited zone.
This is official rule.
The program X and O allows play Pente without the tournament rule.
- Whenever your opponent has two stones (and
only two) which are adjacent, those stones are vulnerable to
capture. The pair can be captured by bracketing its two ends with
your own stones.
- A stone may legally be played onto any empty
intersection, even if that point has been previously occupied,
and even if forms a pair between two enemy stones. No capture is
made by the enemy in that case.
- Multiple captures are legal.
- Pente-board has 19 vertical and 19
horizontal lines like the Go-board.
This is official rule.
The program X and O allows to play Pente in board with size 15 * 15.
- White starts the game which differs from
Renju and Go.
This is official rule.
In the program X and O Black or X starts game